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Thrombosis in newborns: experience from 31 cases


1,Department of Neonatology Division of Paediatrics University Medical Centre Ljubljana

2,Department of Paediatric Surgery and Intensive Care University Medical Centre Ljubljana

DOI: 10.22514/SV72.102012.5 Vol.7,Issue 2,October 2012 pp.29-32

Published: 29 October 2012

*Corresponding Author(s): GREGOR NOSAN E-mail:


Thrombosis is the result of congenital or acquired prothrombotic risk factors. The incidence of thrombosis in the paediatric population is highest in newborns, as about 10% of thrombotic events occur in the first four weeks of life. Haemostasis in a newborn, though still developing, is a well balanced mechanism. About 90% of all thrombotic events are due to acquired and the rest to congenital risk factors. 

The aim of our study was to estimate the incidence of thrombosis in a population of Slovenian newborns and to study risk factors, location and treatment of thrombotic events. 

Inpatient charts of newborns with thrombosis, admitted to a tertiary neonatology centre and paediatric intensive care unit between 2004 and 2011, were studied retrospectively. Family history, location, aetiology and treatment of thrombosis were analysed. 

Thirty one newborns, 17 boys (54.8%) and 14 girls (45.2%), with 31 thrombotic events were found. There were 17 cases (54.8%) of arterial and 14 cases (45.2%) of venous thrombosis. A family history of thrombophilia was found in two cases (6.5%). Twenty six cases (83.9%) were contributed to acquired risk factors and five (16.1%) to congenital aetiology. Four cases (12.8%) were treated, two with anticoagulation, one with thrombolysis and one with both. The estimated incidence of thrombosis was 0.17 per 1000 live births. Our data showed a higher incidence of thrombosis in Slovenian newborns and a higher incidence of congenital prothrombotic risk factors than in the data published so far.


newborn, thrombosis, incidence, risk factor, treatment

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GREGOR NOSAN,MOJCA GROSELJ-GRENC,DARJA PARO-PANJAN. Thrombosis in newborns: experience from 31 cases. Signa Vitae. 2012. 7(2);29-32.


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