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Case Report

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Human protein C concentrate in a patient with meningitis and bleeding as a complication of treatment with recombinant activated protein C


1,Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care San Raffaele Scientific Institute

2,Coagulation Service & Thrombosis Research Unit San Raffaele Scientific Institute

DOI: 10.22514/SV81.052013.12 Vol.8,Issue 1,May 2013 pp.62-64

Published: 01 May 2013

*Corresponding Author(s): MARTINA CRIVELLARI E-mail:


Some case reports suggest that protein C zymogen supplementation may improve the outcome of patients with congenital or acquired protein C deficiency, such as sepsis-induced purpura fulminans. We describe the case report of a patient suf-fering from meningitis who developed a bleeding complication after recombinant human activated protein C administration and was successfully treated without any further bleeding complication with protein C concentrate.

Protein C concentrate can be considered in adult patients with meningitis, even if at risk or in the presence of bleeding.


sepsis, purpura fulmi-nans, protein C, bleeding

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SERGIO COLOMBO,MARTINA CRIVELLARI,MILENA MUCCI ,VALENTINA PLUMARI,PAOLO SILVANI,PATRIZIA DELLA VALLE,ARMANDO D’ANGELO,ALBERTO ZANGRILLO. Human protein C concentrate in a patient with meningitis and bleeding as a complication of treatment with recombinant activated protein C. Signa Vitae. 2013. 8(1);62-64.


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