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Case Report

Open Access

Acute heart failure due to the left atrial myxoma causing mitral valve obstruction


1,University Hospital Split

2Department of Radiology, Split University Hospital

DOI: 10.22514/SV82.102013.12 Vol.8,Issue 2,October 2013 pp.64-66

Published: 17 October 2013

*Corresponding Author(s): DAMIR FABIJANIĆ E-mail:


A 64 year-old woman without history of cardiovascular diseases and without cardiovascular risk factors was referred to our hospital because of acute heart failure. A real-time three-dimensional echocardiography (3D) revealed left atrium tumor causing mitral valve obstruction. 3D characteristics of the tumor were highly suggestive of cardiac myxoma. Surgical exci-sion was successfully performed and myxoma was confirmed histologically. Although cardiac myxoma typically presents a silent heart failure, our case suggests that it should be even considered a cause of acute heart failure, especially in patients with no previous history or signs of cardiovascular disease.


acute heart failure, echo-cardiography, myxoma

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DAMIR FABIJANIĆ,CRISTIJAN BULAT,VEDRAN CAREVIĆ,MATIJA MILIĆ,NINA BEROVIĆ,TONĆI BATINIĆ. Acute heart failure due to the left atrial myxoma causing mitral valve obstruction. Signa Vitae. 2013. 8(2);64-66.


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