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Osteoarticular Infections in Newborns: Prognostic Factors and Outcome

  • Aneta Soltirovska Salamon1
  • Spela Capuder2
  • Damjana Kljucevsek3
  • Karin Schara4
  • Darja Paro-Panjan1

1Department of Neonatology, University Children’s Hospital Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

2Department of Pediatrics, General Hospital Celje, Celje, Slovenia

3Department of Radiology, University Children’s Hospital Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

4Department of Orthopedic Surgery, University Medical Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2020.16.0002 Vol.16,Issue 1,June 2020 pp.5-11

Published: 30 June 2020

*Corresponding Author(s): Aneta Soltirovska Salamon E-mail:


Purpose: To analyze clinical, laboratory, microbiologic, imaging and therapeutic data that contribute to outcome in newborn infants with osteoarticular (OSA) infection. Methods: Clinical course, imaging and follow-up data of 15 newborns with the diagnosis of OSA infection were retrospectively reviewed. Results: 15 newborns with 23 acute osteoarthritis foci were included: risk factors were identified in 73%, lower extremities were affected in 8 (53%) and more than half of the children had two-or multifocal involvement. The predominant causative agent was Staphylococcus aureus. While plain radiography showed osteolytic bone lesions in only 33%, scintigraphy was consistent with osteomyelitis in 74% of study infants. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed an inflammatory process even when other imaging modalities did not detect any OSA signs. All newborns underwent surgical and antibiotic treatment; the average time from admission to surgical treatment was 3.6 days. No bone and joint deformities or limb-length disturbances were found in the mean follow-up period of 8.5 years. Conclusion: Our study confirms that the most important prognostic factors in predicting a long-term favorable outcome are early diagnosis and therapy consisting of a combination of both surgical and appropriate antibiotic treatment.


Osteoarticular infection, Newborn, Osteoarticular imaging, Outcome

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Aneta Soltirovska Salamon,Spela Capuder,Damjana Kljucevsek,Karin Schara,Darja Paro-Panjan. Osteoarticular Infections in Newborns: Prognostic Factors and Outcome. Signa Vitae. 2020. 16(1);5-11.


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