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Comparative Analysis of Injury Severity Caused by Traffic Accidents Classified as Severe Injury in Police Database vs. MAIS 3+ Injury in Hospital Database --First Pilot Research in Serbia

  • Sladjana Andjelic1
  • Goran Colakovic1
  • Krsto Lipovac2
  • Dalibor Pesic2
  • Zarko Plemic2
  • Emir Smailovic2

1Institute for Emergency Medical Services, Belgrade, Serbia

2Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2020.16.0003 Vol.16,Issue 1,June 2020 pp.13-24

Published: 30 June 2020

*Corresponding Author(s): Sladjana Andjelic E-mail:


Objective: Conduct a comparative analysis of injury severity (IS) caused by traffic accidents (TA) and classified as severe injury (SI) in police database vs. MAIS 3+ injury in hospital database, and determine correction factor (CF). Methods: Data were collected prospectively on the injured in TA examined by Emergency medical services. Were identified the numbers of fatalities, the numbers of patients transported to hospitals, and those examined at the scene of TA who refused further medical treatment and transport. IS was asssessed in hospital according to ICD, AIS and MAIS for each patient. The data on SBI were compared vs. MAIS 3+ and CF was determined. Results: 134 respondents were included: 55 drivers, 37 passengers, 23 pedestrians, 17 motorcyclists and 2 cyclists. 12% out of 17% of MAIS 3+ patients were hospitalized. One patient with MAIS 5 died during the hospitalization. The comparative analyisis of IS as assessed in the police vs hospital database showed the ratio SI : MAIS 3+ to be 1.2. Eighteen SIs belonged to MAIS 3+, one to MAIS 1 and one to MAIS 2. Four patients with MAIS 1 and 2 score sustained no injuries, according to the police report. Six moderate IS according to police data were classified as MAIS 3 in hospital registers. CF for MAIS 3+ was 0.316 and for minor IS was 0.016. Conclusion: The results confirm that there are discrepancies in assessments of IS between police and hospital records and that it is neccessary to form a common database.


Traffic accident, Severe injury, MAIS

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Sladjana Andjelic,Goran Colakovic,Krsto Lipovac,Dalibor Pesic,Zarko Plemic,Emir Smailovic. Comparative Analysis of Injury Severity Caused by Traffic Accidents Classified as Severe Injury in Police Database vs. MAIS 3+ Injury in Hospital Database --First Pilot Research in Serbia. Signa Vitae. 2020. 16(1);13-24.


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