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Case Reports

Open Access

Metoclopramide-Induced Dystonic Reaction in an Infant

  • Songul Tomar-Guneysu1
  • Okşan Derinoz-Guleryuz1
  • Ozlem Colak1
  • Ilknur Fidanci1

1Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Emergency, Ankara, Turkey

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2020.16.0029 Vol.16,Issue 1,June 2020 pp.203-205

Published: 30 June 2020

*Corresponding Author(s): Songul Tomar-Guneysu E-mail:


Metoclopramide-induced dystonic reaction (MIDR) is a clinical condition that can be seen even in all age groups even in treatment doses. A nine-month-old girl was brought to our emergency department with acute dystonic reaction that occurred after her 2.5-years-old sister gave her a 10 mg/kg metoclopramide tablet two hours before admission to the hospital. Diphenhydramine was given to the patient. One hour later, the patient’s clinical findings regressed and patient was hospitalized, and was discharged from the hospital after 66 hours without sequelae. Although metoclopramide-induced dystonic reaction is frequently reported, the number of cases under one year of age is very limited. The case presented in this report is a patient who received a higher drug dose compared to other cases reported in the literature and recovered without sequelae after follow-up. The most important factor resulting in poisoning in children is not arranging the living spaces of the children by the parents. The easiest way to prevent such cases is to educate families on this issue.


Child, Infant, Metoclopramide poisoning

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Songul Tomar-Guneysu,Okşan Derinoz-Guleryuz,Ozlem Colak,Ilknur Fidanci. Metoclopramide-Induced Dystonic Reaction in an Infant. Signa Vitae. 2020. 16(1);203-205.


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