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Anesthetic Management of Patients Undergoing Renal Transplantation: A Review of A Two-year Experience

  • Burhan Dost1
  • Muzeyyen Beldagli1
  • Cengiz Kaya1
  • Yasemin Burcu Ustun1
  • Sezgin Bilgin1
  • Ersin Koksal1
  • Yakup Bostancı2

1Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Faculty of Medicine, Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey

2Department of Urology, Faculty of Medicine, Ondokuz Mayis University, Samsun, Turkey

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2020.16.0078 Vol.17,Issue 1,January 2021 pp.95-100

Published: 08 January 2021

*Corresponding Author(s): Burhan Dost E-mail:


Objectives: This study reviewed the anesthetic management procedures used for renal transplantation patients at a university hospital in Turkey over a two-year period. Areas of interest included preoperative status, fluid management, perioperative complications, and postoperative analgesia. Methods: A retrospective review of hospital records and information collected from all patients undergoing renal transplantation, performed at Ondokuz Mayıs University Hospital from 2018 to 2020, was conducted. Results: A total of 90 renal transplants were performed during the study time period. Of the patients undergoing renal transplantation, 44.4% were female and 55.6% were male. 52 patients were recipients of cadaveric transplants and 38 patients received kidneys from living, related donors. The duration of surgery and cold ischemic time were longer in the recipients of the cadaveric transplants (p < 0.05). Delayed graft function was statistically significantly higher in the kidney transplants obtained from the cadaveric donors than the living donors (p < 0.05). Conclusions: This study showed that anesthesia for renal transplantation is a safe and effective method if a selected range of drugs and techniques is used. Applying a well-planned standard anesthesia protocol and updating it periodically in line with the current literature will contribute to improving the quality of the outcomes renal transplantation surgery.


Kidney transplantation, Anesthesia management, Delayed graft function, Analgesia, Hemodynamics

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Burhan Dost,Muzeyyen Beldagli,Cengiz Kaya,Yasemin Burcu Ustun,Sezgin Bilgin,Ersin Koksal,Yakup Bostancı. Anesthetic Management of Patients Undergoing Renal Transplantation: A Review of A Two-year Experience. Signa Vitae. 2021. 17(1);95-100.


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