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Comparison of normal saline and heparinized solutions for the maintenance of arterial catheter pressure waves: a randomized pilot study

  • Yuri Ishii1
  • Shiro Mishima1
  • Kenta Aida1
  • Jun Oda1

1Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Tokyo Medical University, 6-7-1 Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku-ku,160-0023 Tokyo, Japan

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2020.16.0088 Vol.17,Issue 1,January 2021 pp.51-55

Published: 08 January 2021

*Corresponding Author(s): Yuri Ishii E-mail:


Objectives: Heparinized continuous-flush solutions are used to maintain arterial catheter patency. We sought to compare the patency and pressure wave integrity of radial artery catheters maintained with heparinized or nonheparinized infusions. Methods: Patients in the emergency room and intensive care unit were consecutively enrolled and randomly assigned to receive a heparinized solution (heparin group, n = 18) or normal saline (NS group, n = 16). The functional duration of radial artery catheters, the differences between arterial catheter and brachial cuff blood pressures, and the pressure wave curve quality were determined. Results: The mean duration of functional cannulas did not differ significantly between the heparin and NS groups (120 ± 129 and 105 ± 82 hours, respectively, P = 0.689). There was no difference in blood pressure between arterial catheter measurements and brachial cuff measurements between the two groups (P = 0.607). Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that the incidence of pressure wave dampening did not differ between the groups (log-rank test, P = 0.896). Conclusions: No significant differences were found between heparinized and nonheparinized flush solutions for maintaining radial artery catheter patency and function.


Heparin; Intensive care; Emergency room; Catheter; Blood pressure monitoring

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Yuri Ishii,Shiro Mishima,Kenta Aida,Jun Oda. Comparison of normal saline and heparinized solutions for the maintenance of arterial catheter pressure waves: a randomized pilot study. Signa Vitae. 2021. 17(1);51-55.


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