Article Type
Special Issue
Predictive value of diaphragmatic rapid shallow breathing index in mechanical ventilation weaning: a systematic review and meta-analysis
1Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Northern Jiangsu People's Hospital Affiliated to Yangzhou University, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, P. R. China
DOI: 10.22514/sv.2020.16.0119 Vol.17,Issue 4,July 2021 pp.34-41
Submitted: 17 November 2020 Accepted: 16 December 2020
Published: 08 July 2021
*Corresponding Author(s): Liu-Zhao Cao E-mail: lzcao1992@163.com
† These authors contributed equally.
Background: Mechanical ventilation weaning is a multifactorial process. D-RSBI cannot only reflect the respiratory function but also the diaphragmatic function with the bedside ultrasound technique.
Objective: This review aimed to assess the predictive value of diaphragmatic rapid shallow breathing index (D-RSBI) of weaning outcome.
Method: Databases were systematically reviewed including PubMed, Cochrane Library, Embase, CNKI and WanFang Data. Sensitivity and specificity were pooled with random effects models.
Results: Nine studies met the inclusion criteria and 568 patients were involved. D-RSBI had a pooled sensitivity of 0.84 and a pooled specificity of 0.87 which predicted weaning success. D-RSBI in the success group was significantly lower than the weaning failure group.
Conclusion: D-RSBI is a sensitive and specific predictor for weaning outcomes in spite of the limitations and heterogeneity among the studies. Further studies focusing on particular disease are needed as well.
Diaphragmatic rapid shallow breathing index; Mechanical ventilation weaning; Predictive parameters; Ultrasonography; Diaphragmatic dysfunction; Outcomes
Lin-Li Sang,Wei-Yun Teng,Jie Yang,Liu-Zhao Cao. Predictive value of diaphragmatic rapid shallow breathing index in mechanical ventilation weaning: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Signa Vitae. 2021. 17(4);34-41.
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