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Effectiveness of chest compressions after a short training method: a pilot study with future lifeguards

  • Brais Ruibal-Lista1,2
  • Katlyn Marcela Hernández-Gil2
  • José Palacios-Aguilar2,3
  • Sergio López-García1,2

1Faculty of Education, Pontifical University of Salamanca, 37007 Salamanca, Spain

2Group of Investigation in Preventive and Lifesaving Activities (GIAPS), University of A Coruña, 15179 A Coruña, Spain

3Faculty of Sciences of Sport & Physical Education, University of A Coruña, 15179 A Coruña, Spain

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2021.074 Vol.17,Issue 4,July 2021 pp.151-156

Submitted: 23 February 2021 Accepted: 17 March 2021

Published: 08 July 2021

*Corresponding Author(s): Brais Ruibal-Lista E-mail:


Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of short training sessions on instructor-led and computer-based resuscitation maneuvers for future lifeguards.

Methods: To measure effects of training methods on performance of a hands-only CPR test, each participant completed testing H (1) before training (T1); (2) immediately after completion of six short training sessions (T2); (3) 3 weeks after T2 (T3). The training involved performing 4 rounds of 30 seconds of chest compressions with 30 seconds of recovery between rounds. Participants were randomized to groups (G1 or G2) to receive feedback at the end of each round from an instructor or from a manikin with a feedback system, respectively.

Results: Twenty-seven participants (26% female) were included. After training, performance of chest compressions in both training groups improved significantly in terms of overall quality (P < 0.01) and of adequacy of compression depth (P < 0.01). There were no significant differences in any of the three tests between G1 and G2.

Conclusions: Short training sessions with instructor or automated feedback effectively improves quality of chest compressions and prolong skills retention in the short term.


Cardiopulmonary resuscitation; Short training; Feedback; Trainer; Automated learning; Lifeguards; Compression

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Brais Ruibal-Lista,Katlyn Marcela Hernández-Gil,José Palacios-Aguilar,Sergio López-García. Effectiveness of chest compressions after a short training method: a pilot study with future lifeguards. Signa Vitae. 2021. 17(4);151-156.


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