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The effects of oxygen and medicines on T cells in hypoxic co-culture

  • Young-Duck Cho1
  • Sung-Hyuk Choi1
  • Sung-Jun Park1
  • Woo-Sung Yu2
  • Han-Jin Cho3
  • Kyung-Hwan Kim4
  • Tae-Gun Shin5

1Department of Emergency Medicine, Korea University Guro Hospital, 08308 Seoul, Korea

2Department of Emergency Medicine, Bundang Jaesang Hospital, 13590 Seongnam, Kyunggi-do, Korea

3Department of Emergency Medicine, Korea University Ansan Hospital, 15355 Ansan, Kyunggi-do, Korea

4Department of Emergency Medicine, Inje University Ilsanbaik Hospital, 10380 Ilsan, Kyunggi-do, Korea

5Department of Emergency Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, 06351 Seoul, Korea

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2021.103 Vol.17,Issue 6,November 2021 pp.43-51

Submitted: 10 April 2021 Accepted: 10 May 2022

Published: 08 November 2021

*Corresponding Author(s): Sung-Hyuk Choi E-mail:


Objectives: Many patients with massive hemorrhage, respiratory failure due to trauma admit the emergency department, and further that the experience can fall into shock, inducing to sepsis, multiple organ failure due to hyperinflammation or immunosuppression. In the these patients, the low oxygen flow with immunosuppression is believed to play a significant role. Hence, oxygen supply and medicines is essential in severe trauma patients. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effects of oxygen and variable medicines in hypoxic condition.

Methods: T cells and macrophages were plated into trans-well plate for co-culture for 30 minutes in hypoxia. After that, the cells were stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) followed by variable medicines by normoxia or oxygen supply for 2 hrs and cells were inculated overnight under normoxic conditions. The T cell viability was measured by MTT, and the expression of interleukin-2 (IL-2), interleukin-8 (IL-8) and macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) were measured by western blots using the T cells with co-culture with inflammatory maccrophages. Also, the concentration of MIF was analyzed by ELISA.

Results: The T cells viability was decreased in hypoxia with LPS stimulation, however, pentoxifylline (PTX) effectively restored cell viability regardless of oxygen state (p < 0.05). Besides, PTX in oxygen supply status restored the decreases in IL-2 expression of T cells and the increases MIF in the LPS stimulation with hypoxia (p < 0.05).

Conclusions: PTX has more effectively restored the T cells immunosuppression in hypoxia during oxygen supply, and has an immunomodulation effect by controlling hyperinflammation.


Hypoxia; Trauma; Pentoxifylline; Co-culture; Immunosuppression

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Young-Duck Cho,Sung-Hyuk Choi,Sung-Jun Park,Woo-Sung Yu,Han-Jin Cho,Kyung-Hwan Kim,Tae-Gun Shin. The effects of oxygen and medicines on T cells in hypoxic co-culture. Signa Vitae. 2021. 17(6);43-51.


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