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Diagnostic accuracy of bedside ultrasonography in COVID-19 suspected patients admitted to the emergency department

  • Ramazan Guven1
  • Ramazan Unal1
  • Burcu Genc Yavuz2
  • Ertugrul Ak1
  • Gokhan Eyupoglu3
  • Salih Fettahoglu1
  • Basar Cander1

1Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Health Sciences, Kanuni Training and Research Hospital, 34303 Istanbul, Turkey

2Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Health Sciences, Haydarpasa Numune Training and Research Hospital, 34668 Istanbul, Turkey

3Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Health Sciences, Basaksehir Cam and Sakura City Hospital, 34480 Istanbul, Turkey

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2021.116 Vol.18,Issue 1,January 2022 pp.55-61

Submitted: 28 April 2021 Accepted: 01 June 2021

Published: 08 January 2022

*Corresponding Author(s): Ramazan Guven E-mail:


Introduction: Due to the risk of cross contamination and radiation exposure of computed tomography (CT) and low sensitivity rate of X-Ray, point of care ultrasound (POCUS) lung can be used as a diagnostic tool of COVID-19 pneumonia. The current study aimed to evaluate the potential of POCUS for detection of lung pathologies caused by COVID-19.

Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted with 84 patients admitted to the emergency department with suspected COVID-19. CT and POCUS lung were performed for all participants. CCT was taken as the reference diagnostic method and the presence of B-lines or consolidation or pleural irregularity-thickening (>3 mm) in the lung in POCUS lung, were evaluated in favor of COVID-19 pneumonia.

Results: Of the 84 patients included, lesions of COVID-19 pneumonia were detected 53.5%. COVID-19 pneumonia findings were shown by POCUS lung in 51.2% of participants. The left lower lobe in 48.8% and the right lower lobe in 47.6% of the patients were the most commonly affected regions. In POCUS lung, COVID-19 pneumonia lesions located in 2nd area for 44.0%, in 7th area for 35.7%, in 8th area for 34.5%. Sensitivity of POCUS lung was found to be 88.9%, specificity pointed for 92.3%, positive predictive value was 93.0% and negative predictive value was 87.8%.

Conclusion: POCUS lung, has a high sensitivity and specificity in the diagnosis of COVID-19 pneumonia, especially in severe lung involvement. Therefore, POCUS lung should be the method of choice as its practical use, bedside availability and avoidance of radiation exposure for COVID-19 associated lung lesions.


COVID-19; Pneumonia; POCUS lung

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Ramazan Guven,Ramazan Unal,Burcu Genc Yavuz,Ertugrul Ak,Gokhan Eyupoglu,Salih Fettahoglu,Basar Cander. Diagnostic accuracy of bedside ultrasonography in COVID-19 suspected patients admitted to the emergency department. Signa Vitae. 2022. 18(1);55-61.


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