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Repeated participation in the cadaver-based educational seminar for trauma surgery (C-BEST) could maintain training effects: skill retention at a 2-year follow-up

  • Hiroshi Homma1
  • Jun Oda1
  • Hidefumi Sano1
  • Shinichi Kawata2
  • Masahiro Itoh2

1Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Tokyo Medical University, 6-7-1 Nishishinjuku, 160-0023 Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan

2Department of Anatomy, Tokyo Medical University, 6-1-1 Shinjuku, 160-8402 Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2021.146 Vol.18,Issue 2,March 2022 pp.88-96

Submitted: 14 June 2021 Accepted: 20 July 2021

Published: 08 March 2022

*Corresponding Author(s): Hiroshi Homma E-mail:


Although the effectiveness of cadaver surgical training has been clarified, the decline in training effects over time has become a problem. This study examined whether repeated participation in cadaver-based educational seminar for trauma surgery (C-BEST) could suppress the decline in training effects. Basic and advanced C-BEST have pelvic package (PP) and fasciotomy of the lower extremity (FLE) as common training skills. For participants of these skills twice each, we examined the changes in a 10-point self-assessment of confidence levels (SACL) at six time points: (1) before the seminar of basic C-BEST, (2) immediately after basic C-BEST, (3) half a year after basic C-BEST, (4) before advanced C-BEST, (5) immediately after advanced C-BEST, and (6) half a year after advanced C-BEST. Data were collected from 28 basic C-BESTs and 5 advanced C-BESTs conducted from January 2013 to January 2020. Statistical analysis was performed by comparing SACL results from seminar evaluations at the six points, with significance at P < 0.05. A total of 60 participants were enrolled (postgraduate year, 16.5 ± 5.7). The interval between basic and advanced C-BEST was 27.1 ± 6.9 months. In PP, the SACL did not decrease at all six points. In FLE, SACL did not decrease at all six points, had a greater increase before versus immediately after advanced C-BEST, and did not decrease thereafter (P < 0.05). After participants retook the seminar, FLE-like procedures, which are unfamiliar to nonorthopedic surgeons, had increased and maintained self-evaluation values, whereas PP-like procedures, which are familiar to abdominal surgeons, had maintained high self-evaluation values. Therefore, repeated seminar participation could maintain the effects of cadaver training.


Cadaver-based educational seminar for trauma surgery (C-BEST); Skill retention; Repeated participation; 2-year follow-up; Self-assessment of confidence levels; Pelvic package; Fasciotomy of the lower extremity

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Hiroshi Homma,Jun Oda,Hidefumi Sano,Shinichi Kawata,Masahiro Itoh. Repeated participation in the cadaver-based educational seminar for trauma surgery (C-BEST) could maintain training effects: skill retention at a 2-year follow-up. Signa Vitae. 2022. 18(2);88-96.


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