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Nonspecific abdominal pain: Do I have to allocate a specific diagnosis for every patient?

  • Ozgur Karcioglu1,*,

1Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Health Sciences, Istanbul Education and Research Hospital, 34098 Istanbul, Turkey

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2022.005 Vol.18,Issue 4,July 2022 pp.1-4

Submitted: 07 October 2021 Accepted: 14 December 2021

Published: 08 July 2022

*Corresponding Author(s): Ozgur Karcioglu E-mail:


Acute abdominal pain is one of the most common chief complaints in the acute setting all over the world. The definitive diagnoses of these patients vary depending on age, gender, geographical and sociodemographic characteristics etc. Apart from these, aging of the population, obesity, advanced diagnostic imaging modalities and changes in nutritional habits also have an impact on the rates of specific diagnoses. On the other hand, nonspecific abdominal pain constitutes almost half of all visits due to acute abdominal pain in the acute care setting. This phenomenon is the main differential diagnostic problem in the management of these patients because missing a life-threatening condition can cause enormous medicolegal problems for the caregivers. Certain diagnostic scoring systems have also been developed to facilitate recognition and management of these conditions. This article aims to review the entity and underline the challenges it can bring to the scene.


Abdominal pain; Nonspecific abdominal pain; Diagnosis; Differential diagnosis; Radiological evaluation; Diagnostic score

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Ozgur Karcioglu. Nonspecific abdominal pain: Do I have to allocate a specific diagnosis for every patient?. Signa Vitae. 2022. 18(4);1-4.


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