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Comparison of volume assessment methods in transurethral resection of the prostate

  • Ying Wang1
  • Fei Gao2
  • Xiaochun Zheng2,*,

1Department of Anaesthesiology, Fujian Medical University Teaching Hospital, Fujian Provincial Geriatric Hospital, 350003 Fuzhou, China

2Department of Anaesthesiology, Shengli Clinical Medical College of Fujian Medical University, Fujian Provincial Hospital, 350004 Fuzhou, China

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2022.023 Vol.18,Issue 4,July 2022 pp.75-80

Submitted: 24 October 2021 Accepted: 18 January 2022

Published: 08 July 2022

*Corresponding Author(s): Xiaochun Zheng E-mail:


To compare the value of inferior vena cava (IVC) variation, thoracic fluid content (TFC), and central venous pressure (CVP) in transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) for systemic volumetric load. Eighty male patients who had undergone TURP at our hospital from July to August 2021 were enrolled. Before and after anesthesia induction, IVC variation and TFC were recorded every 15 min and then 15 min after surgery. The ability of IVC variation, TFC, and CVP to predict fluid responsiveness was assessed using receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curves. The Pearson correlation test was used to analyze the correlations among intraoperative IVC variation, TFC, CVP and the stroke volume index (SVI). ROC curve evaluation: the area under the ROC curve (AUC) of IVC variation was 0.82 (p < 0.01), while that of CVP and TFC was 0.61 (p = 0.16) and 0.45 (p = 0.28), respectively. Since the operation began, ∆IVC variation showed a significant negative correlation with ∆SVI at different time points. ∆CVP and ∆TFC showed a poor correlation with ∆SVI. IVC variation was superior to TFC and CVP to predict fluid responsiveness and assess the volume status and volume responsiveness of patients undergoing TURP.


Transurethral resection of the prostate; IVC variation; Thoracic fluid content; Central venous pressure; Systemic volumetric load

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Ying Wang,Fei Gao,Xiaochun Zheng. Comparison of volume assessment methods in transurethral resection of the prostate. Signa Vitae. 2022. 18(4);75-80.


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