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Analysis of the application value of functional status-based personalized nursing in clinical care for acute leukemia

  • Kebing Wang1
  • Yiyu Hu1,*,
  • Yaping Wang1
  • Chenlin Hu1
  • Wei Ma1
  • Min Hu1
  • Hailin Zhu1

1Department of Hematology, Zhejiang Hospital, 310013 Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2023.030 Vol.19,Issue 3,May 2023 pp.146-151

Submitted: 13 October 2022 Accepted: 18 November 2022

Published: 08 May 2023

*Corresponding Author(s): Yiyu Hu E-mail:


To discuss the functional status-based personalized nursing in clinical care for acute leukemia. 175 patients with acute leukemia were divided into the conventional care group (patients within the group received routine care during chemotherapy for acute leukemia) and the observation group (patients within the group received functional status-based personalized care on the foundation of routine care) according to the method of random number table, and the mental status, quality of life, physical function status and complications during chemotherapy were compared between groups. Compared to the conventional care group following the intervention, the scores of self-rating anxiety scale (SAS) and self-rating depression scale (SDS) were notably decreased in the observation group following the intervention. The scores of quality of life (QOL) and Karl Fischer Physical Functional Status Scale (KPS) were conspicuously increased, and the differences indicate statistical significance (p < 0.05); Compared with the conventional care group, the incidence of infection infectious fever, bleeding and ectopic liver function during chemotherapy in the study group were evidently reduced. The differences are statistically significant (p < 0.05). The functional status-based personalized nursing can effectively improve the mental status and quality of life, promote the physical function status, and effectively decrease the complications during chemotherapy in patients with acute leukemia, which is a safe and effective nursing model.


Acute leukemia; Functional status-based personalized nursing; Mental status; Quality of life; Complication

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Kebing Wang,Yiyu Hu,Yaping Wang,Chenlin Hu,Wei Ma,Min Hu,Hailin Zhu. Analysis of the application value of functional status-based personalized nursing in clinical care for acute leukemia. Signa Vitae. 2023. 19(3);146-151.


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