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Adaptation and validation of a pediatric simulator to study the movement of the cervical spine

  • Javier Ruiz Casquet1,2
  • Ana Nicolás Carrillo1
  • María Isabel Hontoria Hernández1,2
  • Pablo Rico Berbegal1
  • Raquel Gordillo Martín1,3
  • Laura Juguera Rodríguez1,3
  • Mariana Ferrandini Price1
  • Manuel Pardo Ríos1,2,*,

1UCAM, Catholic University of Murcia, 30107 Murcia, Spain

2Emergencies Medical Services 061 of the Region of Murcia, Health Service of Murcia, 30100 Murcia, Spain

3University Clinical Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca de Murcia, Health Service of Murcia, 30120 Murcia, Spain

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2024.026 Vol.20,Issue 3,March 2024 pp.34-38

Submitted: 08 August 2023 Accepted: 24 October 2023

Published: 08 March 2024

*Corresponding Author(s): Manuel Pardo Ríos E-mail:


This study focused on adapting and evaluating the reliability of a pediatric simulator to assess the mobility of the spinal cord in its cervical segment. A comparative analysis was conducted on cervical mobility of 4 adapted pediatric simulators followed by a reliability study of the simulator that demonstrated ideal mobility characteristics. The simulator with the type of movement that was most similar to real-life physiological movement was “Simulator 1”, with degrees of movement of: flexion 30° ± 4°, extension 43° ± 2°, left lateral movement 30° ± 2°, right lateral movement 32° ± 3°, left rotation 27° ± 2°, and right rotation 25° ± 2°. The reliability of this simulator was analyzed using the intraclass correlation coefficient, with a high reliability result. The results according to the axes were as follows: flexion-extension movement (0.937; p < 0.001), left-right lateral movement (0.893; p < 0.006), and left-right rotation (0.845; p = 0.006). Consequently, the pediatric simulator that we have adapted, allows us to determine the movement of the spinal cord in its cervical segment, with a very good degree of reliability.


Pediatric simulator; Traumatic spinal cord injury; Reliability; Adaptation

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Javier Ruiz Casquet,Ana Nicolás Carrillo,María Isabel Hontoria Hernández,Pablo Rico Berbegal,Raquel Gordillo Martín,Laura Juguera Rodríguez,Mariana Ferrandini Price,Manuel Pardo Ríos. Adaptation and validation of a pediatric simulator to study the movement of the cervical spine. Signa Vitae. 2024. 20(3);34-38.


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