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Should we screen patients' relatives for psychological status, signs and symptoms in the emergency department? A cross-sectional survey using the Symptom Check List (SCL-90)

  • Mandana Hosseinzadeh1
  • Ozgur Karcioglu2
  • Ibrahim Ikizceli3
  • Fatih Cakmak3
  • Asghar Kolahforoush4

1Bezm-i Alem University, Dept. of Emergency Medicine, 34093 Istanbul, Turkey

2University of Health Sciences, Dept. of Emergency Medicine, Istanbul Education and Research Hospital, Fatih, 34098 Istanbul, Turkey

3İstanbul University, Cerrahpasa, Dept. of Emergency Medicine, 34098 Istanbul, Turkey

4Pharmacist, Fatih, 34093 Istanbul, Turkey

DOI: 10.22514/sv.2021.004 Vol.17,Issue 2,March 2021 pp.139-144

Published: 08 March 2021

*Corresponding Author(s): Ozgur Karcioglu E-mail:


Objectives: The objectives were to investigate psychological symptoms in patients’ relatives (PR), coming into the ED with their patient and to evaluate the relationship between sociodemographic characteristics and psychological symptom scores.

Methods: PR in the ED of Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine aged 18 years and older were included into the study. Symptom Check List- Revised (SCL-90-R) was administered to 120 PR and sociodemographic characteristics of all were recorded.

Results: The majority of the PR were female (n = 66, 55%), graduate of high school (n = 46, 38.3%) and self-employed (n = 22, 18.3%). The highest mean score on SCL-90-R was found on obsessive-compulsive disorder and the lowest scores were found on phobic anxiety. The mean score was higher than 1.0 on obsessive-compulsive disorder, somatization, interpersonal sensitivity, depression and paranoid ideation. There was no correlation between education level, duration of hospitalization and SCL-90 scores. Mean general, somatization, obsessive-compulsive and depression scores of females were found to be significantly higher than of males.

Conclusion: High scores in psychological symptoms were observed in PR in the ED. Therefore, besides assessment of the psychological status of patients; it is recommended that PR should be evaluated carefully in this regard and given necessary psychosocial support in the emergency setting.


Patients’ relatives; Psychological symptoms; Symptom Check List; SCL-90; Emergency department

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Mandana Hosseinzadeh,Ozgur Karcioglu,Ibrahim Ikizceli,Fatih Cakmak,Asghar Kolahforoush. Should we screen patients' relatives for psychological status, signs and symptoms in the emergency department? A cross-sectional survey using the Symptom Check List (SCL-90). Signa Vitae. 2021. 17(2);139-144.


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